
Halving Violence Against Women and Girls. We need radical change, and I will lead with Humberside Police in prioritising the reduction of violence against women and girls. Introduce a Strong Antisocial Behaviour Plan. I will develop stronger links with local partners to cooperate and to tackle antisocial behaviour and work with every local authority area in Humberside. Improve the Response to Rural Crime. Tackling fly-tippers and establishing clean-up squads whereby offenders will clear up litter and vandalism they have dumped. I will work to increase patrols to reduce the amount of theft of agricultural equipment, hare coursing and make our rural communities feel safe and valued. Access to the Office for the Police and Crime Commissioners Wherever You Live and Prioritise the Voice of the Victim, Survivor. The current Police and Crime Commissioner cut access to the Office for the Police and Crime Commissioners from local communities and basing them in one area of Hull. The Office is vital to represent the victims and survivors of crime and the wider community. Representing the voice of the Humberside victim, survivor and wider community will always remain my priority. Raise Confidence in Humberside Police to the Highest Levels. Restore neighbourhood policing and PCSOs, with mandatory patrols of town centres by dedicated officers. Support police staff so often overlooked but vital to an effective police force. Raise standards in policing by training, addressing misconduct, and improving vetting procedures. Compulsory anti-racism training and training on violence against women and girls. Promoted by Lara Chaplin on behalf of Simon O'Rourke both at the Stables, Washinghall Lane, DN17 4PY

Halving Violence Against Women and Girls.

Everyone should be able to feel safe on their local streets, in their communities and in their own homes. For too many people, and for too many women and girls that is just not the case. The independent police inspectorate has warned against the “epidemic of violence against women and girls”, yet the response from Government, police, the criminal justice system and from society has too often been tinkering around the edges. Labour will not stand for this. We need radical change, and I will lead with Humberside Police in prioritising the reduction of violence against women and girls. Promoted by Lara Chaplin on behalf of Simon O'Rourke both at the Stables, Washinghall Lane, DN17 4PY

Introduce a Strong Antisocial Behaviour Plan.

Antisocial behaviour can damage our communities and plague residents who are impacted by inappropriate behaviour. I pledge to introduce plans to tackle persistent repeat adult and young offenders. I will develop stronger links with local partners to cooperate and to tackle antisocial behaviour and work with every local authority area in Humberside. Promoted by Lara Chaplin on behalf of Simon O'Rourke both at the Stables, Washinghall Lane, DN17 4PY